Fueling Business Performance
Fueling Business Performance
Each company is unique with requirements directly related to their strategic goals. We work collaboratively with you to ensure we understand your requirements and develop and execute plans to deliver custom solutions tailored to your specifications. We focus on you, the customer, and aim to achieve optimal customer satisfaction.
Business activities undertaken using proven management methodologies carry less risk and a greater chance of success than unstructured practices. An organization needs formal management methodologies when it seeks to have consistent, predictable results and processes that are open to improvement. We apply our knowledge of program/project management, strategic and operations management methodologies and techniques to assist you in streamlining your business activities to optimize performance and achieve desired results.
The Drummond Group delivers expert program / project management, strategic and operations management advisory services to help your organization mitigate risks and achieve optimal operational efficiency and performance. We specialize in providing appropriate guidance in the application of these respective management methodologies to conceptualize, develop and facilitate the execution of plans to establish robust management systems that influence project and business performance.
"...had the opportunity to work with Ms. Drummond for several years. At the time of our first endeavor, my Agency was faced with what seemed like an insurmountable challenge of managing a comprehensive reform in 13 major areas. Ms. Drummond stepped into the position of leadership with a sound, methodical project management plan, reducing the 13 major efforts to five through her ability to analyze the complex components and match them to manageable functional areas. She then developed project plans that were easily understood by staff with clear milestone dates and deliverable actions. Her ability to track and display progress kept our multiple Divisions aligned and on focus. One of her many successes resulted in an irrefutable Staffing Plan accepted by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) which was subsequently presented to Congress. Her ability to analyze complex projects, develop understandable project plans and to lead staff through the multiple requirements impacting on a project is unequaled by any other manager I have worked with. Her character and integrity is unquestionable..."
- G.W. Schenkel, Former Director, Federal Protective Service (DHS)
"Ms. Drummond is very resourceful and provides outstanding work products. Her wealth of knowledge in the PMO environment has been instrumental in setting up a new PMO. She is very proactive and provides timely responses. The entire staff thinks very highly of Ms. Drummond and values her input."
- P. Randolph, Director, Program Management Office Division (GSA)